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Resetting Root MySQL password for MariaDB on CentOS

You’ve lost the root password for your MariaDB database – now what do  you do? You can’t recover your existing password, but you can get into  your database to create a new root password. You just need root  privileges on the Linux server that is running MariaDB.

Stop the  database using the systemctl command:

`systemctl stop mariadb.service`  

Now we’re going to start up the SQL server but with the  


instruction. This allows anyone to log into the  SQL server with no password. `mysqld_safe –skip-grant-tables  –skip-networking &`

The –skip-networking option is insurance  against someone sneaking in over the network while your database is open  to everyone. **Don’t use this if you’re logging in remotely.** Now you  can reset the root password by using the mysql shell. Log in to your  database as root, select the mysql database, reset the MariaDB root  password, and then exit:

“` mysql -u root mysql> use mysql;  mysql> update user set password=PASSWORD(“new-password”) where  User=’root’; mysql> flush privileges; mysql> exit “`

Start up SQL  again normally: `systemctl restart mariadb.service`